I recently bought an FS S3900-24T4S-4 Ethernet switch. It seems that FS switches are cheap and they work, but their configuration tools are poor. It is difficult or impossible to change the IP address for the configuration web GUI through that GUI. Here is a way using the serial port. Be careful: I will not be held responsible for anything that befalls you as you wade through the dark and mysterious swamp that is the CLI menu system.
- Connect to the serial port. I used the provided cable for this, plus an RS-232-to-USB adapter. Baud rate 115200.
- Log in at the serial console. Default (username, password) is (admin, admin).
- Follow along and adapt the below example terminal session. In it, I show that the current management IP address is and then change it to
Switch#Jan 4 04:02:46 User admin enter privilege mode from console 0, level = 15
Switch_config#show running-config interface vlan1
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
interface VLAN1
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
Switch_config#interface vlan1
Switch_config_v1#ip address
At this point, use a browser to verify that the management GUI appears at the new IP address. Optionally, continue by making the new configuration persist through reboot:
Switch_config#write all
Saving current configuration...
Now saving current ifindex to flash memory...
Switch_config#Jan 1 00:26:37 /startup-config is wrote, TID:85e69480
Jan 1 00:26:38 /ifindex-config is wrote, TID:85e69480
Optionally, reboot to verify that the switch has kept the configuration
Do you want to reboot the Switch(y/n)?y
System is rebooting, flag=0xf0005
callback func[0] 0x807521bc execute
callback func[1] 0x80efeb14 execute
callback func[2] 0x802898e0 execute
callback func[3] 0x80efe7b0 execute
dump info to flash OK
System reboot stub done